
The breath ~ inextricably linked to Life.

The first breath we take at birth; the beginning of our life journey here on earth.

To breathe our last breath when our journey comes to an end and return to the Source of All That Is.

Within breathwork there are various breathing techniques with which you can influence your physical as well as your emotional state.

I personally prefer to work with Connected Breathing because it is incredibly powerful, healing and expanding.

In my sessions I work with the Connected Breathing as taught by Michael Brown ("The Presence Process"),

whether or not combined with energy, voice/sound and body work.

When we hold our breath because we find something scary or exciting or want to avoid pain,

we deactivate our feelings which are thereby suppressed and stored in our subconscious.

This requires an enormous amount of energy and creates chronic tension in our body

Connected Breathing uses a specific breathing pattern that brings up repressed trauma

and also revitalizes your physical body down to the cellular level.

Emotions, insights, images and also physical reactions (e.g. tingling, vibrations) can then occur.

By expanding the breathing step by step, unprocessed traumas, emotional stress and emotions can be released and make way for better feeling, space, clarity of mind, peace and self-confidence.

In this way we increasingly allow Life to enter

Cacao Circles & Classes

Cocoa; also called the food of the Gods

Cacao became more prominent in my life after I started wondering

what exactly is in "regular" chocolate???

I discovered that with all heated and processed chocolate products, the precious healthy properties of cocoa are unfortunately lost...

So also all the antioxidants, minerals, rejuvenating neurotransmitters and overall health promoting properties :(

Reason for me to start working on this myself; that is how the Cacao Classes were created to make healthy and delicious chocolate yourself, with or without other healthy organic products & superfoods as desired

So you know what you're eating :)

When I delved deeper into the history of cocoa, the healing properties of cocoa also became clear to me: Cocoa as a heart opener and connector

My heart skipped a beat;

the idea to organize Cacao Circles was born

Cocoa is a plant medicine.

It makes you present in the Here and Now and can do inner work. During a cacao circle you can make a deep healing journey.

A journey that provides insights and clarity, a journey that opens your heart and brings you a little closer to your Self, your "I Am"

In my cacao circles I work mainly intuitively & connecting.

In a circle, setting intentions, sound and music, breathing exercises, ceremonial rituals, gratitude and cacao reading can be discussed.

Everything happens as it appears at that moment


If you are interested in participating in a Circle of Class,

please contact me or check the agenda for more information

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