In this process we turn inward together, we take the time to emerge from our cocoon through various activities. By listening well in the "darkness of the cocoon" and taking the time for what presents itself, you can come to the conclusion that there is only one person you may listen to and that is yourself. This is about your feeling and love for yourself. You learn to appreciate yourself & live (even) more from your soul. You develop into a different person, YOURSELF. You become a person with self-esteem, confidence and gentleness towards yourself, so that you can then fly into the world as a beautiful Butterfly. * Become aware of your own growth and development. * See the beauty of Life. * Learn to look with gratitude & gentleness at everything that presents itself in (your) Life. It is not possible to say in advance exactly what the process will look like. That is different for everyone because we all carry our own story with us as well as the ways (patterns & beliefs) in which we deal with certain things. The butterfly flight trajectory is therefore personally tailored together with you. Composition of various activities in the trajectory: breathing work, cold training, (Silence) meditations, Creative Expression, Sound Healing, Body Awareness, VisionBoards, Soul Retrieval, (He)art Dancing, Cacao Circles, Timeline Travel, Walk & Heal Thy Nature, Forest Bathing, Voice Healing, Creative Writing & Much More....